Prep for this challenge:

[File given in the challenge zip file]

In that file there are 3 file given: Github.txt, office.jpg and WebCam.png

The pic proof of the zip file content

[The Questions]

note: repo = repository (the term is quite long to type)

  1. File -> Github.txt:
    What is the API key the insider added to his GitHub repositories?
  • Open the Github.txt file, the target github page link is available there
The Github.txt content
  • Copy paste the URL and open it in your fav browser
The URL led to this page.
  • Go to Repositories tab and open the first repo there
As seen here, the first repo is a login page. Maybe, there are hardcoded credentials in there since it is working repo
  • Open the Login Page.js, our answer is in the first line of the file

2. File -> Github.txt:
What is the plaintext password the insider added to his GitHub repositories?

  • Scroll through the LoginPage.js file untill found password
Not entirely plaintext but the target uses base64. That’s the most common cipher in CTF to the point that people recognize it straight like that
The result of the decode

3. File -> Github.txt:
What cryptocurrency mining tool did the insider use?

  • Search the word “mine” in the target’s repo
The result of the search

4. What university did the insider go to?

For this challenge, we will use “sherlock” tool to search the name through multiple social media. I will use this tool on Kali Linux since the download would be straight forward.

Tips: please open file after you git clone the repo, from there you’ll get how to install this tool and how to use them.

  • Use the “sherlock” tool to search EMarseille99
There are 2 interesting link here, the Facebook one and the Instagram one
  • Open the interesting link and see if got any information
The Facebook one is not very useful here
The Instagram however, we got the full name of the target which is Émilie Marseille
  • Search Émilie Marseille on Google
As seen here, the search shows that the target have a LinkedIn account
  • Open the LinkedIn profile and browse through the education section
As seen here, the target’s alma mater would be Sorbonne University which is the flag for this question

5. What gaming website the insider had an account on?

  • As seen before, there is no gaming related website when we use EMarseille99 but on Instagram, there is a new username emarseille99. Lets try search that on sherlock.
The new username location on target’s Instagram page
The sherlock search result. Kinda the same as the previous one.
This is the result of the search, As seen here, the target have a Steam account, kinda weird why sherlock didn’t catch this

6. What is the link to the insider Instagram profile?

  • Open back the Instagram profile gathered earlier and copy the URL as the answer
The location for this question’s answer

7. Where did the insider go on the holiday? (Country only)

  • Browse through the target’s Instagram account
We can see the picture of Marina Bays, SIngapore here on the post. The answer here would be Singapore

> If you don’t know the place ( I am from Malaysia so unfair advantage for me)

  • Use any search engine reverse image search and search the picture. I use Google Image Search
The result of the search, we can see that this building is in Singapore

8. Where is the insider’s family live? (City only)

  • Browse through the target’s Instagram until you get to this pic
This skyscraper looks like Burj Khalifa, let us confirm that by reverse image search this image
  • Reverse image search the image and crop on the skyscraper
My gut instinct is correct, It is Burj Khalifa
  • Open the google search for Burj Khalifa to confirm the city of the family’s location
The city here would be Dubai

9. File -> office.jpg:
You have been provided with a picture of the building in which the company has an office. Which city is the company located in?

  • Open the office.jpg and check is there any landmark that usable for geolocation
This is office.jpg
  • Use the Reverse Image Search extension and search for all search engine
Method on how to use it: Just right click the picture and choose the Reverse image search option
This is the result for the Google. Straight away got the place
This is for Bing, nope, didn’t got the place but got OCR(extract text from pic)
Yandex also got the place just the search engine shows London as the first result, kinda confusing
Tineye doesn’t get any result sadly

10. File -> Webcam.png:
With the intel, you have provided, our ground surveillance unit is now overlooking the person of interest’s suspected address. They saw them leaving their apartment and followed them to the airport. Their plane took off and has landed in another country. Our intelligence team spotted the target with this IP camera. Which state is this camera in?

  • Open Webcam.png pic
This is the Webcam.png
  • Use the Reverse Image Search extension and search for all search engine
This is the result for Google, the search engine straight outputs Creighton University which is in Nebraska(not our answer)
It still got the answer, but the first result makes it confusing
Bing got it first try
Yandex also got it first try
Tineye got nothing

This room covers how to search for username, github searching and IMINT(reverse image search pic)

I did cover quite extensively on IMINT for my previous post here so feel free to check em’ out if you want to learn more:

Thank you for taking your time to read this post and have a great day :)




Written by finx

a malaysian cybersec lifelong student that uses this blog to document anything infosec related (mainly OSINT)

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